Film 101- How to select a film camera

Shooting film can sound crazy, right?? Even though I shot film all throughout my childhood and high school years, ditching my digital camera for a film camera a few years ago sounded so incredibly scary! I promise you shooting film is WAY easier than you think. It’s actually quite simple once you get through the basics and start to really understand the power you have with your camera.

I thought I would do a series of film posts here on the blog to help anyone who might be interested in learning how to shoot film. And of course, if you are ready to get started today, there’s always the Film Love Workshop which contains everything you need to know about film (with tons of video tutorials, photo examples, assignments and more)! If you want to dive right in, come join the group!

What type of film camera should you buy?

One of the questions I get the most is what type of camera to start with when shooting film and the simple answer is ANY film camera will do! Try to think of a film camera as a box that holds and advances your film. Film cameras aren’t like fancy digital cameras with tons of settings, options, displays, etc…. You basically need just need a camera that will hold your film and has basic settings (shutter speed, aperture, ISO) - and you can even grab a simple point and shoot camera that does all the work for you if you just want to shoot a roll of film without worrying about settings.


My biggest tip for selecting a film camera is to start with a camera that will work with the gear you already own. I am a Canon girl, so I highly recommend something light and inexpensive like the Canon Rebel 2000. This sweet little gem of a camera is compatible with all of my Canon lenses and flashes and gives me the ability to change my shutter speed, aperture and ISO as I need to. You can pick up a Canon Rebel 2000 from Amazon for about $35! If you are a Nikon shooter, I’ve heard wonderful things about the Nikon F100 (which is also compatible with most Nikon gear). I think you can find the F100 for around $100. Whatever camera you decide on, just remember you DON’T have to go big right out of the box! You can get there eventually (and if you are a camera hoarder like me, you probably will, lol….) but start with something inexpensive that’s compatible with your current gear!

All images above taken with Canon Rebel 2000 and Canon 50mm 1.8 lens.

Looking to dive right in to film? Join the FILM LOVE WORKSHOP and learn all you need to know! And be sure to stay tuned for more film tips here on the blog!